Interview about INDECENT ADVANCES in the Advocate
“What can we learn about the victimization of queer men in history that we could apply to trans people today?
There are two thoughts that I have. One is that getting the stories right is really important, getting the visibility to these crimes is really important, that I think we still struggle with in the press. I wonder how many people [hear about] trans murders, beyond the folks who are on the feeds for the [LGBTQ] press.
And, also, just the kind of legal response, the criminal justice system and its response to these crimes, and how they’re taken seriously. One thing that came out of the research — I think that the Murrett case is another example of it — is ... I wanted to get to a national sense by looking at different crimes around the country, but often these are localized, too. And so to think about on the state and municipality level, how these crimes are dealt with, and it’s so uneven across the U.S., even now. And I think that’s something that we’re still trying to make an issue, still trying to protest against, in terms of having more consistency and more visibility for these crimes.”
Read more at the Advocate.